Peace Corps Drop-in Hours


Hours TBD

See Hours and Announcements for special hours and holidays.

What is Peace Corps Drop-in Advising?

During Peace Corps Drop-in Advising, students meet with a former member of the Peace Corps who is now working to share their personal experience and information about joining the Peace Corps to interested students. The Peace Corps recruiter can answer many kinds of questions about the logistics, benefits, and unique challenges and rewards of joining the Peace Corps after graduation during your 10-15 minute drop-in session. No appointment is required; first come, first served.

Peace Corps Basics
  • International volunteer work service program sponsored by the U.S. government.
  • 2 year-long service with 3 months of training upon arrival in host country.
  • Volunteers work in the areas of education, healthcare, youth development, environmental conservation and agriculture.
  • Only two requirements: You must be 18 years old and a U.S. citizen. However, the vast majority of placements require a 4-year degree.
  • For more information, see our Working Abroad page, visit Peace Corps Drop-in hours, or send an email to

Office Location

The Career Center